Bring Forth the Cowards
McGill Poetry Series
Editor: Louis Dudek
68 pages, 9¼” x 6¼” perfect bound
6 b/w plates plus cover
Circle Without Center
Talonbooks/Very Stone House
Editor: David Robinson
Photography: Eric Freedman
Design: Martin Jackson
48 pages, 8” x 5¼” perfect bound
15 b/w plates plus cover
Four Island Poems
Prince George
Caledonia Writing Series
Editor: Barry McKinnon
26 pages, 10½” x 7” staple bound
1 b/w plate on title page
Limited edition
New Work / 1980-1981
North Vancouver
Presentation House Gallery
Foreword: Alan Wood
Curator: Claire Knight
Photography: Robert Keziere
12 pages, 8¾” x 9¼” staple bound
4 colour plates plus cover, 1 b/w plate
Canadian Embassy Gallery
Foreword: Duncan McNaughton
Curator's Essay: Paula Gustafson
Photography: Ted Clarke
Preface in English, French, Japanese
Curator's Essay in English, Japanese
16 pages, 8” x 10¾” staple bound
4 colour plates plus cover, 7 b/w plates
ISBN 0-9683205-0-3
Requiem Notations
North Vancouver/Coquitlam
The Capilano Review/Evergreen Cultural Center
Editor: Robert Sherrin
16 pages, 9” x 6¼” staple bound
6 sepia plates plus inside cover
9 b/w plates, vellum cover
Also appeared as a folio in The Capilano Review
2nd ser. 26 (Fall 1998).
Burnaby Art Gallery
Curator’s Essay: Darrin Martens
Photography: Ted Clarke
8 pages, 12” x 6” tri-fold brochure
15 colour plates plus cover
ISBN 0-9738251-2-X
Gallery Jones
Curator: Shane O’Brian
Foreword: Marcus Bowcott
Photography: Ted Clarke
28 pages, 8½” x 5½” staple bound
12 colour plates
ISBN 978-0-9739468-3-3
The Point Is
Kelowna Art Gallery
Foreword: Nateley Nagy
Curator’s Essay: Liz Wylie
72 pages, 9 ½” x 7” perfect bound
16 colour plates
ISBN 978-1-896749-55-6
One More Once: for Pierre Coupey's 70th
North Vancouver
Capilano University Editions
Editor: Jenny Penberthy
Foreword: Patti Kernaghan
Jim Allworth, Rojeanne Allworth, Hope Anderson,
Bill Bissett, Marcus Bowcott, George Bowering,
Lary Timewell Bremner, Colin Browne, Barry Cogswell,
Penelope Connell, Judith Copithorne, Peter Culley,
Michael de Courcy, Wayne Eastcott, Jamie Evrard,
David Farwell, Brian Fawcett, Brian Fisher, Dwight Gardiner,
Maria Hindmarch, D.G. Jones, Robert Keziere, Rick Kitaeff,
Ed Lavalle, Wayne Leidenfrost, Marion Llewellyn,
D'Arcy Margesson, Daphne Marlatt, Leo McGrady,
Barry McKinnon, Duncan McNaughton, Guy Montpetit,
Erìn Moure, Val Nelson, bpNichol, James Nizam,
Michael Ondaatje, John Pass, Jenny Penberthy,
Stan Persky, David Phillips, Meredith Quartermain,
Peter Quartermain, George Rammell, Jamie Reid,
David Rippner, Renee Rodin, Bill Schermbrucker,
Bob Sherrin, Arnold Shives, George Stanley,
Sylvia Tait, Sharon Thesen, Kate Van Dusen,
Fred Wah, Victoria Walker, Tom Wayman,
Lissa Wolsak, Alan Wood, Liz Wylie
Book design: Jan Westendorp
Cover design: Alexis Kernaghan
150 pages, 8 ½” x 7" perfect bound
31 colour plates plus cover
7 b/w plates plus back cover
Printed and bound in Canada by Hemlock Printers
ISBN 978-0-9879052-2-2
Cutting Out the Tongue: Selected Work 1976-2012
West Vancouver / Coquitlam
West Vancouver Museum / Art Gallery at Evergreen
Curators / Foreword: Darrin Morrison / Astrid Heyerdahl
Poems: George Stanley, George Bowering
Essay: Lary Timewell Bremner
Design: Jessica Sullivan
Photography: Ted Clarke
56 pages, 10" x 8 1/2" perfect bound
40 colour plates plus covers
Printed and bound in Canada by Hemlock Printers
ISBN 978-0-9867283-3-4
Measures: Recent Work
Odon Wagner Contemporary
Curatorial: Odon Wagner, Rafael Wagner, Caitlin McCullough
Essay: Donald Brackett
Layout: Caitlin McCullough
Design: Angela Wagner
Photography: Ted Clarke
Artist Photograph: Andrea Sunderland
28 pages, 10 ¼" x 8 ¾" staple bound
13 colour plates plus covers
Printed and bound in Canada by Solisco Québec
ISBN 978-1-927447-15
Across | Between | Within
Odon Wagner Contemporary
Curatorial: Odon Wagner, Rafael Wagner, Chelsea McConkey
Essay: Dion Kliner
Layout: Chelsea McConkey
Design: Angela Wagner
Photography: Ted Clarke
28 pages, 10 ¼" x 8 ¾" staple bound
17 colour plates plus covers
Printed and bound in Canada by Solisco Québec
ISBN 978-1-927447-27-7 National Library of Canada